Thursday, 9 October 2014

Satyamev Jayte : A ball can change the world!!!

This is one such show which changes our thinking.. to look towards its pervious seasons it just captures your mind.. and you start thinking about it..the previous seasons were great.. I would say they were eyeopener.. Good to watch such shows which brings the people in limelight from all the sectors,all levels of society..After the first season I thought by some means the higher authorities will try to shut down the show as they highlighted very critical topics.. but which were important to discuss..but soon they launched season 2.. which brought more topics in light..and now season 3.. :) 

Actually I missed watching the 1st episode of season 3.. so today I watched it on youtube..topic was SPORTS!!... the experiences which all the people shared were too good..Really can sports change a person so much?? From a gunda to India's football team captian?? really hats off... but max credit goes to the coach/sir who enlighten the feeling to play football in him..People from all levels of society run behind money.. But this helped to bring a sportsman out of a gunda.. :) which made him a better human.. who learnt importance of people in his life..the person with money is not rich but the person who is rich is the one with bigger heart..:)

Its good to see women athletes from Mahadwadi running in their 9 yard sarees and there spirit.. No age limit.. just run..they know only 2 rules..start running after a bang.. and no crossing lines..;) 

 Sports teaches us so many things.. Team Work, Appreciation, Dedication, concentration, Staying fit and healty,Mental satability, & what not.. :).. Any sports person or any human can only succed in his/her dream if he/she has proper support.. Family is the one important thing..:).. what would have happened if Geeta & Babita's dad wont have supported them??wont have trained them?? the count in India's Gold medal's would be less..just imagine.. if parents of such players start encouraging them.. where would India rank.. :)...surely in first 3..:).. 

"where there is a will there is a way" Subham learnt 60% of playing golf from youtube which is great..But supporting needs money..language..this is what Shubham's dad said.. his experience when he took Shubham for golf practice.. First of all costly golf kit, then rent to be paid for practicing...its very difficult for a middle class father to "support'" his child to live his/her dream..but we can help them.. those who are stable and can donate small amount for them please dont think much.. just do it.. :)

Now scenario has changed so much that yes kids play football,cricket,tennis,etc.. but on cell phones,tv.. we need to change their mind set by encouraging them to play more.. to grow more..for that matter even i need encouragement.. i might be one from World's lazy peoples list .. ;) but after watching, the least I can do is play any game minimum once in a week..:) Which I will definitely do.. :) for those who play regularly.. guys continue to do so.. :)
All the best!!.. Who knows it might change your world too.. ;)

 PS: For those who missed the episode for them.. youtube link.. 

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